🌞 Can AI replace animal testing?

Plus: Spotlight Dr. Lisa Shah, Chief Medical Officer, Twin Health.


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  • INSIGHTS CORNER: Spotlight Dr. Lisa Shah, Chief Medical Officer, Twin Health.



GLP-1 medications for teens: Balancing weight loss and metabolic health

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1. First off, what is Twin Health? 

When you join Twin Health, you get your own digital twin. Your digital twin, available to you via smartphone, is a digital replica of your metabolism and behavior patterns created using sensors and lab data. It updates itself every day to stay current on your unique biology and behaviors. By deeply understanding those very individual factors, it recommends precise, achievable actions you can take daily to heal your metabolism and reverse or improve multiple metabolic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, cholesterol, blood pressure and fatty liver. You can achieve better metabolic health. You can reduce or eliminate medications, have more energy, a better mood, and improve your sleep. 

Twin founder and CEO Jahangir Mohammad developed the idea after seeing how electric vehicles were using sensors to power digital twins and improve really complex systems problems in real-time. Mohammed came up with the idea for Twin Health while he was sitting around the kitchen table with his family in India. Three of his ten relatives in the room were living with diabetes. Mohammed came up with a hypothesis – that digital twin AI could be used to solve problems in the most complex system – the human body.  

Today, Twin is working with dozens of employers like Applegreen, Bayview, and Dayforce to help their employees address the root cause of their metabolic dysfunction with personalized, precise, and timely insights, and easy-to-follow recommendations. Recently, we extended our platform with the introduction of our Healthy Weight solution, which combines our digital twin AI with compassionate clinical care to help members achieve a healthy weight and eliminate costly medications like GLP-1s. 

2. How exactly does a digital twin for weight loss work? Could you walk us through the process a Twin user would experience on a daily basis? 

Twin utilizes over 3,000 signals that translate to terabytes of data across physical, behavioral, and social inputs. Every digital twin ingests real-time measurements of key metabolic health factors like blood glucose, sleep, stress, and activity to develop personalized guidance. 

The power of our technology is in its attention to small, everyday actions. For example, my digital twin knows exactly how the ribeye I’ll eat tonight will impact my health. It also knows I’m not going to budge on an alternative like chicken or tofu. So, it will offer ways to mitigate the risks that ribeye poses to my metabolism. Maybe it’s a 15-minute walk after dinner, or a healthy dessert option. My digital twin might know I need more vitamin D, so it will encourage me to walk when the sun is out. 

The digital twin comes to understand my routines, my preferences, my unique biology, and can suggest lifestyle tweaks throughout the day to help me stay on track in my weight loss journey. And, it will tell me when I’ll be able to eliminate my medications if I stay on track. “Keep doing X and Y, and you’ll be able to eliminate insulin in three weeks.” This level of individualized advice is giving our members more energy, sustained weight loss, lower A1c levels, and reducing reliance on medications like GLP-1s and SLT-2s. 

3. How does Twin’s technology differentiate itself from other weight loss and diabetes management tools currently on the market? 

Digital Twin is the next frontier in personalized medicine. No other weight loss or diabetes management tool has the level of individualization as Twin. Most medications, apps, and diets are unsustainable and ineffective for many people with metabolic diseases like diabetes and obesity. We’re seeing this play out today with recent – and valid – criticisms of traditional digital diabetes management tools and GLP-1s. These are one-size-fits-all solutions that don’t account for how unique and complex our metabolisms are, to say nothing of our individual behaviors and preferences. 

As a result, traditional digital diabetes programs fail most people. We’re seeing people who are coming off of GLP-1s regain all the weight they’ve lost, because the behaviors that exacerbated their metabolic dysfunction were never addressed.

That’s what makes Whole Body Digital Twins so effective for treating chronic metabolic disease. This technology is designed to improve incredibly complex systems. Uniqueness is core to the model. We understand that the lasting solution will be unique to each person on our platform, and based on their own metabolism, genetics, behaviors, and preferences.

4. What kind of impact have you seen among Twin members? 

This is my favorite thing to talk about. The most common refrain we hear from members is, “You saved my life. You gave me more years to enjoy.” We hear about members being able to get on the floor and play with their kids or grandkids for the first time in years and run errands without feeling out of breath. Hearing these stories is the best part of my job, second only to seeing the numbers. 

While most members start to feel the changes in their health in a matter of days, we see the most impact after six months of sustained engagement. That’s the point where our members start to eliminate their diabetes medications. Nearly 62% eliminate GLP-1s, 90% eliminate SLT-2s, and 76% improve their blood glucose while safely eliminating one or more high-cost diabetes medications. Importantly, those who have eliminated GLP-1s experience 14 pounds of additional weight loss after discontinuing the drug. 

5. How do you see digital twin technology changing the conversation around health AI? 

Digital twins will be the next big shift in health AI. So much industry AI discourse has been focused on generative AI. Digital twin technology is advancing simultaneously, and has incredible potential for addressing chronic conditions beyond metabolic disease. 

Think of it this way: generative AI is advancing areas of medicine where collective knowledge can help more people. Digital twins are helping individuals better understand, predict, and improve their health based on their unique biology and behavior. This is the technology that is going to move the digital health industry into a new era of personalized medicine. 

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More on Lisa Shah, M.D.;

Dr. Lisa Shah is the chief medical officer of Twin Health. Prior to joining Twin, Lisa served as CMO for Advantia Health, chief innovation officer for Sound Physicians, and SVP of clinical operations and network for Evolent Health. Lisa graduated from Duke University with a B.A. in English and completed medical school at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey. At the University of Chicago, she completed her residency in Internal Medicine and Pediatrics, a post-residency health services research fellowship, and a Master's degree in Public Policy. 


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